— TypeAbstractDIDResult{TR<:AbstractTreatment} <: StatisticalModel
Interface supertype for all types that collect estimation results for difference-in-differences with treatment of type TR
Interface definition
Required method | Default definition | Brief description |
coef(r) | r.coef | Vector of point estimates for all coefficients including covariates |
vcov(r) | r.vcov | Variance-covariance matrix for estimates in coef |
vce(r) | r.vce | Covariance estimator |
confint(r) | Based on t or normal distribution | Confidence interval for estimates in coef |
treatment(r) | | Treatment specification |
nobs(r) | r.nobs | Number of observations (table rows) involved in estimation |
outcomename(r) | r.yname | Name of the outcome variable |
coefnames(r) | r.coefnames | Names (Vector{String} ) of all coefficients including covariates |
treatcells(r) | r.treatcells | Tables.jl -compatible tabular description of treatment coefficients in the order of coefnames (without covariates) |
weights(r) | r.weights | Name of the column containing sample weights (if specified) |
ntreatcoef(r) | size(treatcells(r), 1) | Number of treatment coefficients |
treatcoef(r) | view(coef(r), 1:ntreatcoef(r)) | A view of treatment coefficients |
treatvcov(r) | (N = ntreatcoef(r); view(vcov(r), 1:N, 1:N)) | A view of variance-covariance matrix for treatment coefficients |
treatnames(r) | coefnames(r)[1:ntreatcoef(r)] | Names (Vector{String} ) of treatment coefficients |
Optional methods | ||
parent(r) | r.parent or r | Result object from which r is generated |
dof_residual(r) | r.dof_residual or nothing | Residual degrees of freedom |
responsename(r) | outcomename(r) | Name of the outcome variable |
coefinds(r) | r.coefinds or nothing | Lookup table (Dict{String,Int} ) from coefnames to integer indices (for retrieving estimates by name) |
ncovariate(r) | length(coef(r)) - ntreatcoef(r) | Number of covariate coefficients |
— TypeAggregatedDIDResult{TR,P<:DIDResult} <: AbstractDIDResult{TR}
Supertype for all types that collect estimation results aggregated from a DIDResult
of type P
with treatment of type TR
— TypeDIDResult{TR} <: AbstractDIDResult{TR}
Supertype for all types that collect estimation results directly obtained from DiffinDiffsEstimator
with treatment of type TR
— TypeDiffinDiffsEstimator{A,T} <: AbstractStatsProcedure{A,T}
Specify the estimation procedure for difference-in-differences.
— TypeExportFormat
Supertype for all types representing the format for exporting an AbstractDIDResult
— TypeStataPostHDF <: ExportFormat
Export an AbstractDIDResult
for Stata module posthdf
— TypeSubDIDResult{TR,P<:AbstractDIDResult,I,TI} <: AbstractDIDResult{TR}
A view into a DID result of type P
with indices for all coefficients of type I
and indices for treatment coefficients of type TI
. See also view(r::AbstractDIDResult, inds)
— TypeTransSubDIDResult{TR,P,M,I,TI} <: AbstractDIDResult{TR}
Estimation results obtained from a linear transformation of a subset of coefficient estimates from DIDResult
. See also TransformedDIDResult
, lincom
and rescale
: type of the result that is transformed.M
: type of the matrix representing the linear transformation.I
: type of indices for all coefficients.TI
: type of indices for treatment coefficients.
— TypeTransformedDIDResult{TR,P,M} <: AbstractDIDResult{TR}
Estimation results obtained from a linear transformation of all coefficient estimates from DIDResult
. See also TransSubDIDResult
, lincom
and rescale
: type of the result that is transformed.M
: type of the matrix representing the linear transformation.
— Methodparent(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the AbstractDIDResult
from which r
is generated.
— Methodview(r::AbstractDIDResult, inds)
Return a SubDIDResult
that lazily references elements from r
at the given index or indices inds
without constructing a copied subset.
— Method_treatnames(treatcells)
Generate names for treatment coefficients. Assume treatcells
is compatible with the Tables.jl
— Methodagg(r::DIDResult)
Aggregate difference-in-differences estimates and return a subtype of AggregatedDIDResult
. The implementation depends on the type of r
— Methodchecktreatindex(inds, tinds)
Check whether all indices for treatment coefficients tinds
are positioned before any other index in inds
. This is required to be true for methods such as treatcoef
and treatvcov
to work properly. If the test fails, an ArgumentError
exception is thrown.
— Methodcoefinds(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the map from coefficient names to integer indices for retrieving estimates by name.
— Methoddidspec(args...; kwargs...)
Construct a StatsSpec
for difference-in-differences with the specified arguments.
— Methodgetexportformat()
Return the default ExportFormat
for post!
— Functionlincom(r::AbstractDIDResult, linmap::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, subset=nothing)
Linearly transform the coefficient estimates from DID result r
through a matrix linmap
. The number of columns of linmap
must match the total number of coefficients from r
. If linmap
is not square (with fewer rows than columns), subset
must be specified with indices representing coefficients that remain after the transformation. See also rescale
— Methodncovariate(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the number of covariate coefficients.
— Methodntreatcoef(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the number of treatment coefficients.
— Methodoutcomename(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the name of outcome variable generated by StatsModels.coefnames
. See also responsename
— Methodparse_didargs!(args::Vector{Any}, kwargs::Dict{Symbol,Any})
Return a Dict
that is suitable for being passed to valid_didargs
for further processing.
Any TreatmentTerm
in args
is decomposed. Any collection of terms is converted to TermSet
. Keys are assigned to all positional arguments based on their types. An optional name
for StatsSpec
can be included in args
as a string. The order of positional arguments is irrelevant.
This function is required for @specset
to work properly.!
— Methodpost!(f, r; kwargs...)
Export result r
in a default ExportFormat
The default format can be retrieved via getexportformat
and modified via setexportformat!
. The keyword arguments that can be accepted depend on the format and the type of r
— Methodpost!(f, ::StataPostHDF, r::AbstractDIDResult; kwargs...)
Export result r
for Stata module posthdf
. A subset of field values from r
are placed in f
by setting key-value pairs, where f
can be either an HDF5.Group
or any object that can be indexed by strings.
: name of the model.fields::Union{AbstractVector{<:Union{Symbol, Pair{String,Symbol}}}, Nothing}=nothing
: additional fields to be exported; alternative names can be specified withPair{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Bool, Nothing}=nothing
: post theat
vector in Stata.
— Functionrescale(r::AbstractDIDResult, scale::AbstractVector{<:Real}, subset=nothing)
rescale(r::AbstractDIDResult, by::Pair, subset=nothing)
Rescale the coefficient estimates from DID result r
. The order of elements in scale
must match the order of coefficients. If the length of scale
is smaller than the total number of coefficient, subset
must be specified with indices representing coefficients that remain after the transformation. Alternatively, if by
is specified in the same way for apply
, the scales can be computed based on values in treatcells(r)
. In this case, only treatment coefficients are transformed even if subset
is not specified. See lincom
for more general transformation.
— Methodsetexportformat!(format::ExportFormat)
Set the default ExportFormat
for post!
— Methodtreatcells(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return a Tables.jl
-compatible tabular description of treatment coefficients in the order of coefnames (without covariates).
— Methodtreatcoef(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return a view of treatment coefficients.
— Methodtreatindex(ntcoef::Int, I)
Extract indices referencing the treatment coefficients from I
based on the total number of treatment coefficients ntcoef
— Methodtreatment(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the treatment specification.
— Methodtreatnames(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return a vector of names for treatment coefficients.
— Methodtreatvcov(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return a view of variance-covariance matrix for treatment coefficients.
— Methodvalid_didargs(args::Dict{Symbol,Any})
Return a tuple of objects that can be accepted by the constructor of StatsSpec
. If no DiffinDiffsEstimator
is found in args
, try to select one based on other information.
This function is required for @specset
to work properly.
— Methodvce(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the covariance estimator used to estimate variance-covariance matrix.
— Methodcoef(r::AbstractDIDResult, name::String)
coef(r::AbstractDIDResult, name::Symbol)
coef(r::AbstractDIDResult, i::Int)
coef(r::AbstractDIDResult, inds)
Retrieve a point estimate by name (as in coefnames
) or integer index. Return a vector of estimates if an iterable collection of names or integers are specified.
Indexing by name requires the method coefinds(r)
. See also AbstractDIDResult
— Methodcoef(r::AbstractDIDResult, bys::Pair...)
Return a vector of point estimates for treatment coefficients selected based on the specified functions that return either true
or false
Depending on the argument(s) accepted by a function f
, it is specified with argument bys
as either column_index => f
or column_indices => f
where column_index
is either a Symbol
or Int
for a column in treatcells
and column_indices
is an iterable collection of such indices for multiple columns. f
is applied elementwise to each specified column to obtain a BitVector
for selecting coefficients. If multiple Pair
s are provided, the results are combined into one BitVector
through bit-wise and
This method only selects estimates for treatment coefficients. Covariates are not taken into account.
— Methodcoef(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the vector of point estimates for all coefficients.
— Methodcoefnames(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return a vector of coefficient names.
— Methodconfint(r::AbstractDIDResult; level::Real=0.95)
Return a confidence interval for each coefficient estimate. The returned object is of type Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}
where the first vector collects the lower bounds for all intervals and the second one collects the upper bounds.
— Methoddof_residual(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the residual degrees of freedom.
— Methodnobs(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the number of observations (table rows) involved in estimation.
— Methodresponsename(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the name of outcome variable generated by StatsModels.coefnames
. This method is an alias of outcomename
— Functionvcov(r::AbstractDIDResult, name1::Union{String, Symbol}, name2::Union{String, Symbol}=name1)
vcov(r::AbstractDIDResult, i::Int, j::Int=i)
vcov(r::AbstractDIDResult, inds)
Retrieve the covariance between two coefficients by name (as in coefnames
) or integer index. Return the variance if only one name or index is specified. Return a variance-covariance matrix for selected coefficients if an iterable collection of names or integers are specified.
Indexing by name requires the method coefinds(r)
. See also AbstractDIDResult
— Methodvcov(r::AbstractDIDResult, bys::Pair...)
Return a variance-covariance matrix for treatment coefficients selected based on the specified functions that return either true
or false
Depending on the argument(s) accepted by a function f
, it is specified with argument bys
as either column_index => f
or column_indices => f
where column_index
is either a Symbol
or Int
for a column in treatcells
and column_indices
is an iterable collection of such indices for multiple columns. f
is applied elementwise to each specified column to obtain a BitVector
for selecting coefficients. If multiple Pair
s are provided, the results are combined into one BitVector
through bit-wise and
This method only selects estimates for treatment coefficients. Covariates are not taken into account.
— Methodvcov(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the variance-covariance matrix for all coefficient estimates.
— Methodweights(r::AbstractDIDResult)
Return the column name of the weight variable. Return nothing
if weights
is not specified for estimation.
— Macro@did [option option=val ...] "name" args... kwargs...
Conduct difference-in-differences estimation with the specified arguments. The order of the arguments is irrelevant.
[option option=val ...]
: optional settings for @did including keyword arguments passed to an instance ofStatsSpec
: an optional name for theStatsSpec
.args... kwargs...
: a list of arguments to be processed byparse_didargs!
When expanded outside @specset
, a StatsSpec
is constructed and then estimated by calling this instance. Options for [StatsSpec
] can be provided in a bracket [...]
as the first argument after @did
with each option separated by white space. For options that take a Boolean value, specifying the name of the option is enough for setting the value to be true. By default, only a result object that is a subtype of DIDResult
is returned.
When expanded inside @specset
, @did
informs @specset
the methods for processing the arguments. Any option specified in the bracket is ignored.
Options for the behavior of @did
can be provided in a bracket [...]
as the first argument with each option separated by white space. For options that take a Boolean value, specifying the name of the option is enough for setting the value to be true.
The following options are available for altering the behavior of @did
: return the constructedStatsSpec
without conducting the procedure.verbose::Bool=false
: print the name of each step when it is called.keep=nothing
: names (of typeSymbol
) of additional objects to be returned.keepall::Bool=false
: return all objects generated by procedures along with arguments from theStatsSpec
: break the iteration overStatsStep
s after finishing the specified number of steps (for debugging).
— TypeRegDIDResultOrAgg{TR,Haslsweights}
Union type of RegressionBasedDIDResult
and AggregatedRegDIDResult
— TypeAggregatedRegDIDResult{TR,Haslsweights,P<:RegressionBasedDIDResult,I} <: AggregatedDIDResult{TR,P}
Estimation results aggregated from a RegressionBasedDIDResult
. See also agg
: theRegressionBasedDIDResult
from which the results are generated.inds::I
: indices of the coefficient estimates fromparent
used to generate the results.coef::Vector{Float64}
: coefficient estimates.vcov::Matrix{Float64}
: variance-covariance matrix for the estimates.coefweights::Matrix{Float64}
: coefficient weights used to aggregate the coefficient estimates fromparent
: sum oftreatweights
over combinedtreatcells
: sum oftreatcounts
over combinedtreatcells
: coefficient names.coefinds::Dict{String, Int}
: a map fromcoefnames
to integer indices for retrieving estimates by name.treatcells::VecColumnTable
: cells combined from thetreatcells
.lsweights::Union{TableIndexedMatrix, Nothing}
: cell-level least-square weights.cellymeans::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
: cell-level averages of the outcome variable.cellweights::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
: total sample weights for each cell.cellcounts::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing}
: number of observations for each cell.
— TypeContrastResult{T,M,R,C} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
Matrix type that holds least-square weights obtained from one or more RegDIDResultOrAgg
s computed over the same set of cells and cell-level averages. See also contrast
The least-square weights are stored in a Matrix
that can be retrieved with property name :m
, where the weights for each treatment coefficient are stored columnwise starting from the second column and the first column contains the cell-level averages of outcome variable. The indices for cells can be accessed with property name :r
; and indices for identifying the coefficients can be accessed with property name :c
. The RegDIDResultOrAgg
s used to generate the ContrastResult
can be accessed by calling parent
— TypeRegressionBasedDIDResult{TR,CohortInteracted,Haslsweights} <: DIDResult{TR}
Estimation results from regression-based difference-in-differences.
: coefficient estimates.vcov::Matrix{Float64}
: variance-covariance matrix for the estimates.vce::CovarianceEstimator
: variance-covariance
: treatment
: parallel trend assumption.treatweights::Vector{Float64}
: total sample weights from observations for which the corresponding treatment indicator takes one.treatcounts::Vector{Int}
: total number of observations for which the corresponding treatment indicator takes one.esample::BitVector
: indicator for the rows fromdata
involved in estimation.nobs::Int
: number of observations involved in estimation.dof_residual::Int
: residual degree of freedom.F::Float64
: F-statistic for overall significance of regression model.p::Float64
: p-value corresponding to the F-statistic.yname::String
: name of the outcome variable.coefnames::Vector{String}
: coefficient names.coefinds::Dict{String, Int}
: a map fromcoefnames
to integer indices for retrieving estimates by name.treatcells::VecColumnTable
: a tabular description of cells where a treatment indicator takes one.treatname::Symbol
: column name for the variable representing treatment time.yxterms::Dict{AbstractTerm, AbstractTerm}
: a map from all specified terms to concrete terms.yterm::AbstractTerm
: the specified term for outcome variable.xterms::Vector{AbstractTerm}
: the specified terms for covariates and fixed effects.contrasts::Union{Dict{Symbol, Any}, Nothing}
: contrast coding to be processed byStatsModels.jl
.weightname::Union{Symbol, Nothing}
: column name of the sample weight variable.fenames::Vector{String}
: names of the fixed effects.nfeiterations::Union{Int, Nothing}
: number of iterations for the fixed effect solver to reach convergence.feconverged::Union{Bool, Nothing}
: whether the fixed effect solver has converged.nfesingledropped::Int
: number of singleton observations for fixed effects that have been dropped.lsweights::Union{TableIndexedMatrix, Nothing}
: cell-level least-square weights.cellymeans::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
: cell-level averages of the outcome variable.cellweights::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
: total sample weights for each cell.cellcounts::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing}
: number of observations for each cell.
— Functionagg(r::RegressionBasedDIDResult{<:DynamicTreatment}, names=nothing; kwargs...)
Aggregate coefficient estimates from r
by values taken by the columns from r.treatcells
indexed by names
with weights proportional to treatweights
within each relative time.
: columnwise transformations overr.treatcells
before grouping bynames
: subset of treatment coefficients used for aggregation.!
— Functionpost!(gl, gr, gd, ::StataPostHDF, cr::ContrastResult, left::Int=2, right::Int=3; kwargs...)
Export the least-square weights for coefficients indexed by left
and right
from cr
for Stata module posthdf
. The contribution of each cell to the difference between two coefficients are computed and also exported. The weights and contributions are stored as coefficient estimates in three groups gl
, gr
and gd
respectively. The groups can be HDF5.Group
s or objects that can be indexed by strings.
: name to be used asdepvar
in Stata after being prefixed by"l_"
for the coefficient indexed byleft
: name to be used asdepvar
in Stata after being prefixed by"r_"
for the coefficient indexed byright
: name of the model.eqnames::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing
: equation names prefixed to coefficient names in Stata.colnames::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing}=nothing
: column names used as coefficient names in{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing
: theat
vector in Stata.
— Methodhas_fe(r::RegressionBasedDIDResult)
Test whether any fixed effect is involved in regression.
— Methodcontrast(r1::RegDIDResultOrAgg, rs::RegDIDResultOrAgg...; kwargs)
Construct a ContrastResult
by collecting the computed least-square weights from each of the RegDIDResultOrAgg
: indices for cells to be included (rows in output).coefs=nothing
: indices for coefficients from each result to be included (columns in output).
— Methodhas_lsweights(r::RegDIDResultOrAgg)
Test whether r
contains computed least-sqaure weights (r.lsweights!==nothing